


  1. L. Feng, C. Zhu, Y. Liu, S. Ravishankar, and L. Huang. Learnable Scaled Gradient Descent for Guaranteed Robust Tensor PCA, Submitted.
  2. L. Huang, D. Li, S. Tang, and Q. Yao. Random space-time sampling and reconstruction of sparse bandlimited graph diffusion field, Submitted.
  3. B. Su, J. You, H. Cai, and L. Huang. Guaranteed Sampling Flexibility for Low-tubal-rank Tensor Completion. Submitted.
  4. H.Q. Cai, L. Huang, X. Lu, and J. You. Accelerating Ill-conditioned Hankel Matrix Recovery via Structured Newton-like Descent, Submitted.

Journal Articles

(authors are listed in alphabetical order)

  1. J.F. Chhoa, L. Huang, A. Little, A. Maurais, K. D. Morris, M.D. van der Walt, G. Verma, and R. Wang, Supervised Dimension Reduction via Local Gradient Elongation, Accepted.
  2. J. Chen, L. Huang, Y. Wei, Coseparable Nonnegative Tensor Factorization with t-CUR Decomposition, SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications (SIMAX), To Appear.
  3. L. Huang, D. Needell, S. Tang, Robust Recovery of Bandlimited Graph Signals via Randomized Dynamical Sampling, Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA, To Appear.
  4. L. Huang, X. Li, D. Needell, Randomized Kaczmarz in Adversarial Distributed Setting, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing (SISC), To Appear.
  5. H.Q. Cai, Z. Chao, L. Huang, D. Needell, Robust Tensor CUR Decompositions: Rapid Low-Tucker-Rank Tensor Recovery with Sparse Corruption, SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences (SIIMS), 17(1): 225–247, 2024. Journal Version [Code]
  6. A. Aldroubi, L. Huang, K. Kornelson, I. Krishtal, Predictive algorithms in dynamical sampling for burst-like forcing terms, Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, Volume 65: 322-347, 2023. Journal Version.
  7. H.Q. Cai, L. Huang, P. Li, D. Needell, Matrix Completion with Cross-Concentrated Sampling: Bridging Uniform Sampling and CUR Sampling, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), 45(8): 10100–10113, 2023. Journal Version [Code]
  8. L. Huang, B. Sun, M. Wang, T. Wang, Wen Zhang , Yusi Zhang, On a planar six-neighbor theorem and its application, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 523, Issue 2(2023), 127020. Journal Version.
  9. H.Q. Cai, K. Hamm, L. Huang, D. Needell, Robust CUR Decomposition: Theory and Imaging Applications, SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences(SIIMS), Vol. 14, No.4(2021),1472-1503. Journal Version.
  10. H.Q. Cai, K. Hamm, L. Huang, D. Needell, Mode-wise Tensor Decompositions: Multi-dimensional Generalizations of CUR Decompositions, Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR), Vol. 22, No.185(2021), 1-36. Journal Version [Code]
  11. Z. Chao, L. Huang, D. Needell, HOSVD-based Algorithm for Weighted Tensor Completion, Journal of Imaging, Vol.7, No.7(2021), 110. Journal Version
  12. A. Aldroubi, K. Grochenig, L. Huang, P. Jaming, I. Krishtal, J. Romero, Sampling the Flow of a Bandlimited Function, The Journal of Geometric Analysis, Vol. 31(2021), 9241-9275. Journal Version
  13. K. Hamm, L. Huang, Perturbations of CUR Decompositions, SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications (SIMAX), Vol.42, No.1 (2021), 351–375. Journal Version
  14. H.Q. Cai, K. Hamm, L. Huang, J.Q. Li, and T. Wang, Rapid Robust Principal Component Analysis: CUR Accelerated Inexact Low Rank Estimation, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol. 28 (2021), 116-120. Journal Version [Code]
  15. K. Hamm, L. Huang, Stability of Sampling for CUR Decomposition, Foundations of Data Science, Vol. 2, No. 2 (2020), 83-99. Journal Version
  16. K. Hamm, L. Huang, Perspectives on CUR Decompositions, Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, Vol. 48, No. 3 (2020), 1088-1099. Journal Version
  17. A. Aldroubi, L. Huang, A. Petrosyan, Frames Induced by the Action of Continuous Powers of an Operator, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol.478, No.2 (2019), pp.1059-1084. Journal Version
  18. A. Aldroubi, L. Huang, I. Krishtal, R. Lederman, A. Ledeczi, P. Volgyesi, Dynamical Sampling with Additive Random Noise, Sampling Theory in Signal and Image Processing , Vol.17, No.2 (2018), pp.153-182. Journal Version
  19. L. Huang, T. Wang, On the number of Neighbors in Normal Tiling, SIAM Journal of Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 31, Issue 1 (2017), pp. 240-253. Journal Version

Conference Papers

  1. H. Liu, P. Wang, L. Huang, Q. Qu, and  L. Balzano, Symmetric Matrix Completion with ReLU Sampling,  41st International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2024).
  2. H.Q. Cai, L. Huang, C. Kundu, and B. Su, On the Robustness of Cross-Concentrated Sampling for Matrix Completion, 58th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, Princeton University, 2024.
  3. K. Henneberger, L. Huang, and J. Qin, Fast Hyperspectral Band Selection Based on Matrix CUR Decomposition, The International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) 2023, pp. 7380-7383.
  4. L. Huang and J. Qin, Fast Dual-Graph Regularized Background Foreground SeparationFourteenth International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications (SampTA 2023), Yale, USA.
  5. Q. Yao, L. Huang, and S. Tang. Space-time Variable Density Samplings for Sparse Bandlimited Graph Bandlimited Graph Signals Driven by Diffusion Operators. In International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2023.
  6. Z. Tan, L. Huang, H.Q. Cai, and Y. Lou. Non-convex Approaches for Low-Rank Tensor Completion under Tubal Sampling. In International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2023.
  7. H.Q. Cai, Z. Chao, L. Huang, D. Needell, Fast Robust Tensor Principal Component Analysis via Fiber CUR Decomposition, IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (ICCVW), 2021.
  8. X. Li, L. Huang, D. Needell, Distributed randomized Kaczmarz for adversarial workers, Proc. 53rd Asilomar Conf. on Signals, Systems and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, Nov. 2021.
  9. R. Grotheer, K. Ha, L. Huang, Y. Huang, A. Kryshchenko, O. Kryshchenko, P. Li, X. Li, D. Needell, E. Rebrova, COVID-19 Literature Topic-Based Search via Hierarchical NMF, EMNLP 2020 Workshop NLP-COVID
  10. Z. Chao, L. Huang, D. Needell, Tensor Completion through Total Variationwith Initialization from Weighted HOSVD, Proc. Information Theory and Applications (ITA 2020), San Diego, CA, USA.
  11. A. Aldroubi, L. Huang, K. Kornelson, I. Krishtal, Dynamical Smpling with a Burst-like Forcing term, 13th International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications (SampTA 2019), Bordeaux, France.
  12. K. Hamm and L. Huang, On Column-Row Matrix Approximations, 13th International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications (SampTA 2019), Bordeaux, France.
  13. A. Aldroubi, L. Huang, I. Krishtal, R. Lederman, Dynamical Sampling with Random Noise, 2017 International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications (SampTA), Tallin, Estonia, 2017, pp.409-412.

Book Chapter

  • L. Huang, A.M. Neuman, S. Tang, and Y Xie. Convolutional Dynamical Sampling and Some New Results,” Accepted.

REU Project

  1. P. Li , C. Tseng, Y. Zheng, J. A. Chew, L. Huang, B. Jarman, D. Needell, Guided Semi-Supervised Non-negative Matrix Factorization on Legal Documents, Algorithms, 202215(5), 136. Journal Version


  • Dynamical Sampling and its Applications, PhD Dissertation, Vanderbilt University, 2019

Other Preprints

  • K. Hamm and L. HuangCUR Decompositions, Approximations, and Perturbations. (Due to referee feedback, this article was split and resubmitted, and is mostly replaced by [5] , [7] and [8] above; however, this version has a survey element that does not appear in the other versions and is a self-contained exposition.)